Start up, stay up and scale up!
As the nation which gave birth to products and technology as diverse as telephones, televisions, tarmac and the thermos flask, Scotland has an impressive back catalogue of entrepreneurship and innovation across centuries of progression.
Even today, we brim with innovative minds, both homegrown and to those who now call us home, as an outward looking nation. Our thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and ambitious entrepreneurs are constantly pushing the boundaries - supporting each other to grow and develop. Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely and challenging journey but surrounding yourself with likeminded peers and champions will go a long way to playing a part in your success – no matter which stage of the journey you are at.
Our team of business advisers and accountants are at the cutting edge. We immerse ourselves within the ecosystem and collaborate with other key organisations who nurture and support the next generation of Scottish start up and entrepreneurial success.
We’re proud of our own innovative approach to the work we do for clients in this space.
Believe it or not, it isn’t the excitement of the audit or the accounts which we get our kicks from but from working with inspiring people who believe anything is possible.
Shaun Millican
Head of Technology & Life Sciences and Business Advisory Partner