The Firm aims to provide you with a high standard of service at all times, but if you have any concerns please follow the relevant complaints procedure below:

Johnston Carmichael LLP

If you have any concerns that your Johnston Carmichael point of contact has not been able to solve to your satisfaction, please contact our Chief Executive, Lynne Walker, by letter to: Johnston Carmichael, Bishop's Court, 29 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL, who will seek to resolve any such concerns. If you are still not satisfied, you may take the matter up with ICAS.

Johnston Carmichael Wealth

Johnston Carmichael Wealth is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Johnston Carmichael Wealth Limited, now owned by Partners Wealth Management, is entered on the FCA register: under reference 114322. Johnston Carmichael Wealth Limited is registered in Scotland at Bishop's Court, 29 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL. Company number: SC081852. To raise a service concern regarding Johnston Carmichael Wealth, please follow our complaints procedure here.


Our appointment taking Insolvency Practitioners are licenced by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). If you have a concern or complaint, please raise this with the relevant Insolvency Practitioner in the first instance. If your concern has not been solved to your satisfaction, please ask the Insolvency Practitioner to escalate your concern to the Head of Business Line. If you consider that your concern has not been resolved, please raise this with our Chief Executive Officer. If you are still not satisfied, you may take the matter up with the Insolvency Service through the Complaints Gateway