The transformative power of external perspectives

Necati Tosun & Emma Archondakis

Necati Tosun & Emma Archondakis

In the world of sports, the story of British Cycling’s remarkable transformation under Dave Brailsford’s leadership showcases the impact of external perspectives and expertise.

Brailsford’s approach to “marginal gains” centred on making small improvements across all areas, believing that even minor adjustments could lead to significant performance boosts. From optimising bike saddles to improving athletes’ sleep quality, no detail was overlooked. By adopting this mindset and leveraging external expertise to achieve it, British Cycling underwent a dramatic transformation, culminating in unprecedented success on the world stage.

But why are the lessons from British Cycling so important for organisations?

What is a business review?

Much like elite athletes striving for peak performance, businesses operate in a competitive environment where marginal gains can make all the difference between success and mediocrity. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, companies must constantly innovate and adapt to stay ahead of the curve. This is where Business Reviews come into play. Just as Brailsford sought external perspectives and expertise to support his agenda, businesses can benefit immensely from the insights and recommendations provided by independent consultants. Business Reviews offer a fresh perspective on organisational challenges, identifying opportunities for improvement and guiding strategic decision-making.

A Business Review provides practical and actionable insights into an organisation's strengths and weaknesses, both internally and within the market environment. The output of a Business Review typically includes a detailed analysis highlighting areas for improvement, strategic recommendations, and potential choices to deliver your strategy. By leveraging the expertise of independent consultants, businesses can ensure that their strategic decisions are well-informed and robust.

Why is this important?

Some drivers for independent business reviews include ensuring stability and growth by sharpening the competitive edge, enhancing effective governance and optimising operations. Business Reviews serve as a catalyst for innovation and continuous improvement, much like the iterative process of refining cycling equipment to maximise performance. By embracing a culture of curiosity and learning, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and stay ahead of the competition.

Falling to incorporate external perspectives can lead to several risks and pitfalls. Narrower thinking and the potential for ‘blind spots’ might emerge, with organisations potentially relying on legacy assumptions and practices. This can result in missed opportunities and an inability to adapt to changing market conditions. Therefore, bringing in external thinking allows for an objective view for a dynamic and forward-looking business environment.

How can we help?

An Independent Business Review is not just a diagnostic tool; it is a strategic asset that drives continuous improvement, innovation, and sustainable growth. At Johnston Carmichael, we have a tried and tested methodology to carrying out Business Reviews and have the expertise to provide you with the relevant support, whether that is problem solving, assurance or strategic direction. Please get in touch with me or the Consulting Team if you would like to explore further.

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