Gradually, then suddenly

19 May 2021
This article considers obsoletion (the opposite of Futurism or investing in science & technology to safeguard the future) and how firms are responding to the threat of long-term decline from failing to change with their market and shifting consumer behaviours.
Arguably, the last decade has seen B2C businesses facing a fundamental attack due to technological changes leading to new competition and driving swings in consumer behaviour. Add to that an extremely challenging political and economic environment and the Ernest Hemingway quote from his novel, The Sun Also Rises, springs to mind. When a character in the book is asked, “How did you go bankrupt?” he replied, “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly!”. This applies equally to obsoletion!
If you want to discuss any aspect of developing your strategy or the translation of the strategy into an effective and results orientated change programme then please get in touch with me.