Our experts provide their insights on the latest industry developments and share tips on accountancy and business matters.
17 September 2024
Seeking sound advice in times of financial difficultyFor directors of companies navigating a period of financial difficulty, it can be a challenging process. Taking appropriate advice at an early a stage as possible is not something that would attract any criticism.
11 September 2024
Ten questions with Audit Partner - Paul ShieldsPaul Shields has over 25 years’ experience working in accountancy practises in the North East, working across sectors, and with a real specialism in the Engineering & Manufacturing sector. Get to know him better as Paul shares his thoughts on leadership, his journey in accountancy, and the key challenges facing businesses today.
10 September 2024
Sunset clause extended: a new dawn for EIS and VCT schemesThere has been ongoing uncertainty over the life span of Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trust (VCT) relief, as the date within the “sunset clause” has been approaching. As of 3 September 2024, this extension has now come into force, which should be seen as fantastic news for the EIS ecosystem. Stephen Oates, Tax Director, explains further.
09 September 2024
Buying properties through your SIPP (for business owners)With the opportunity to advise business owners on what to do with their pensions, the conversation regularly leads to the question, can I or should I use my pension funds to buy our business premises? Here, Martin Hendry, explains everything you need to know about using a SIPP to buy a commercial property.
05 September 2024
The transformative power of external perspectivesIn the world of sports, the story of British Cycling’s remarkable transformation under Dave Brailsford’s leadership showcases the impact of external perspectives and expertise.
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