A Step Ahead: Ready for my next challenge

Laura Carter

Laura Carter

Early Careers Senior Manager

The second Kiltwalk of the year is fast approaching, taking place in Aberdeen on Sunday 2 June, and our team of Chartered Akiltants are raring to go! One of the team who are lacing up their shoes in anticipation is Laura Carter, Early Careers Senior Manager, who will be Mighty Striding 17.8 miles from Duthie Park to Banchory. Here, Laura shares with us her motivation for taking part, and what’ll she will be bringing along with her on the big day!  

Laura, what made you want to sign up to the Aberdeen Kiltwalk this year?  

I took part in the Edinburgh Kiltwalk in 2022, and it was a great experience, meeting colleagues from other offices and obtaining a JC hoodie! I was really keen to do the Kiltwalk again this year (took two years for my feet to recover) and when Louise MacBean, who has recently joined my team, said she was keen, it was sealed! Anyone who knows us, knows we can talk. So, the six hours walking, plus travel, will definitely be filled. It’s nice to have a challenge to work to. 

Have you done any training to prepare for the big day?  

Since the end of 2023, I have been aiming to complete 10,000 steps as a minimum a day. It really makes you go out and get some fresh air, even when you are not feeling like it. It’s true what they say, getting a stretch of the legs, really helps mindset, mood etc. When we can, I have also been walking during lunch breaks with Eilidh Duncan, Lianne Power and Alice Bruce from our Inverness office. Their speed is about ten times mine, so that is brilliant training! 


Louise MacBean and Laura Carter

You’ve signed up for The Mighty Stride, which is estimated to take around six hours, that’s a good amount of time to really get to know someone. Who would your dream walking companions be (if you could choose anyone at all past or present, celebrity or not) to walk this distance with? 

Easy – Ryan Gosling! Too obvious? Any of the students at the firm I am keen to walk and talk with, especially from the offices I am not at each week. 

Have to say, I would love to walk with Brian Main, a former Partner of JC who retired in January 2022. He has been described as a ‘legend’ – and was always the best listener, remembering everything you’d said about family, hobbies etc. I’m sure there is a lot I could cover off during the walk!  

What are you going to pack in your Kiltwalk bag? Do you have any must have items? 

Blister plasters! Different shoes for after the event as this makes your feet feel instantly better. Also packing some tartan! Love any excuse to wear some tartan. I found there were lots of snacks last time so no need to pack any. 

Laura at the Edinburgh Kiltwalk in 2022

Do you have any playlist or Podcast recommendations which you’ll be listening to? 

Definitely a True Crime podcast. I am loving ‘Redhanded’ at the moment, and also a podcast called ‘Believer Her’. 

Finally, what has been your favourite walk you’ve ever done?  

Brilliant question! Definitely my organised tourist walk around Berlin when I was interrailing in the early 2000s. It was fascinating. The history, seeing the Brandenburg gate, the various memorials, the ‘unter der linden’ subway station and my favourite even now, the East Berlin green man on traffic lights. 

Sign up for 2024

So, if you’re looking to set yourself a challenge in 2024, it's not too late to get involved. There is still a few spaces left for the Aberdeen Kiltwalk, so make sure to sign up while you still can! There are different distances to choose from in each city (Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh) - full details can be found on the Kiltwalk website.

Put your best foot forward in 2024 and walk with us! We look forward to seeing you there!

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