Retirement planning: flexi-access drawdown explained
This article first appeared in The Scotsman on 29 September 2021.
We’ve more power than ever before about deciding what to do with our pension pots, even before we officially retire.
Flexible pension pots give us more control over our pensions in our 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s, and then give us more options towards the end of our working life about how we’re going to use these pots to create our ideal retirement lifestyle.
One of the most common at-retirement questions is around whether to use flexi-access drawdown, take a tax free cash lump sum, or buy a lifelong annuity. Any combination of these may be right for some people, but it’s not worth making a decision without taking independent financial advice.
Through a series of video webinars, our Wealth team are helping individuals and couples plan for the future, so they can get the retirement they dream of and not just cover their bare needs.
In the video below, our experts explain in simple, accessible terms, what options you have and the implications for your long term retirement goals.
Take just a few minutes of your time to watch the video below, and then read more about our Wealth team and how we can guide you through this important discussion, and set you up for the future you want to have.
Watch our previous video here.
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Disclaimer: This communication should not be read as financial advice. While all possible care is taken in preparing this, no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the information contained herein can be accepted.
Johnston Carmichael Wealth are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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