“There was a financial benefit of course, but the main thing for us was how Craig simplified it all and saved us an awful lot of stress.”

In a nutshell, clients Iain and Patricia have described the impact that Johnston Carmichael Wealth makes. Helping you make the most of your money, yes - but crucially, supporting you when you need it.

Iain and Patricia’s goal was to downsize their property and find their next home in an area they loved. Craig Hendry, Chartered Financial Planner and Managing Director of Johnston Carmichael Wealth, helped them achieve this not only earlier than planned, but in a tax-efficient way that they didn’t even know was possible.

Timing it right

Iain and Patricia's investments included ISAs, neatly packaged up through Craig’s guidance. This meant that when the right property appeared on the market, they were able to quickly withdraw the necessary funds from their ISAs, tax-free, without having to wait until they had sold their current home and risk losing their opportunity.

After the purchase completed, a significant challenge that Craig helped manage was coordinating the sale of their previous property. Timing the sale to coincide with the end of the financial year was crucial to allow reinvestment back into the ISA. The deadline was tight, with a breakdown in the sales chain causing delays, but Craig managed to ensure the sale proceeds were deposited back into Iain and Patricia’s ISA before the tax year end, taking advantage of Flexible ISA rules.

“Craig kept us calm through that stress!” says Patricia. “Managing to get the sale funds back into our ISAs just in time made a big difference for us financially.”

Craig’s expertise spared Iain and Patricia a sizeable and unnecessary tax bill; advice on the critical timing of the transaction was not provided to them anywhere else. That cash can now continue to grow in their ISA tax-free.

The impact of a trusted financial adviser

Iain and Patricia’s journey with Craig began over two decades ago, and has gone from strength to strength.

Approaching retirement, Iain and Patricia were looking for a trusted adviser who could help them achieve their property aspirations and maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Iain, then a director of a Scottish-based firm of architects, was first introduced to Craig through a recommendation from a fellow director who had been working with Craig. From this initial connection, Iain and Patricia began a long-standing relationship with Craig, who over the years has led them through retirement planning, investment management and tax planning (such as making best use of annual allowances), as well as two property transactions.

Regular meetings with Iain and Patricia every six months allow Craig to assess their pension funds, investments, and overall financial status in line with their goals and ambitions.

“Craig shows us what can and can’t be achieved with our finances, always keeping our lifestyle in mind,” explains Iain.

Continued support for the future

Looking ahead, Iain and Patricia are confident that Craig and the Wealth team will continue to support them through whatever comes next, whether it’s home renovations or health-related expenses.

 “Our financial set up is stable, and we know Craig will help us stay that way. It’s comforting to know that our finances are being managed so we can focus on other aspects of our lives.”

Reflecting on the relationship and why they would recommend Craig and the Wealth team, Iain and Patricia noted that it comes down to their personalised, understanding approach.

“It’s simple: good advice based on a detailed understanding of the client and their financial and lifestyle aims. Craig knows what we like, what we don’t, and what’s important to us. He’s helped us continue to live our lives the way we want, without having to worry about the details.”

It’s simple: good advice based on a detailed understanding of the client and their financial and lifestyle aims. 

It’s a relationship based on more than just knowing their risk profile and investment preferences – it’s understanding that they would rather prioritise getaways with their dogs over holidays abroad, and that Patricia’s passion for gardening means allowing money to be set aside for upgrades there.

For Iain and Patricia, working with Craig has meant more than just financial advice - it’s about peace of mind and the confidence to enjoy retirement on their terms (and Piper the dog’s!). With Craig’s guidance, they’ve been able to navigate life’s transitions with more ease, knowing their financial future is secure.

Johnston Carmichael Wealth Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

This communication is intended to provide a general review of certain topics and its purpose is to inform and not to recommend or support any specific investment or course of action.

All statements concerning the tax treatment of products and their benefits are based upon our understanding of current tax law and HMRC practices. Legislation and the levels and bases of reliefs from taxation are subject to change and are dependent on your individual circumstances.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax and estate planning.

This communication does not constitute investment advice or recommendations to buy or sell investments and you should not place undue reliance on such statements or returns, as actual returns and results could differ materially due to various risks and uncertainties.

While all possible care is taken in the preparation of this communication, no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the information contained herein can be accepted by this firm.