Spotlight on: Lucy Ball, Greenroom Films

Charlotte Duncan

Charlotte Duncan

Communications Manager

Lucy Ball is Managing Director and Executive Producer of Greenroom Films, a dynamic production company that specialises in producing premium TV commercials and branded content. Having started her career at Greenroom directly out of film school, Lucy has grown to lead the business, spearheading the incredible growth of the company. We caught up with Lucy to discuss her career with Greenroom and, as we celebrate Pride Month, her experiences as an LGBTQIA+ business owner.

Tell us all about Greenroom Films.

Our journey began with a focus on local projects in Scotland, but under my leadership since late 2018, we have undergone significant growth and transformation.

My career at Greenroom Films started humbly; I joined the team as an entry-level runner fresh out of film school at the age of 19. This experience provided me with invaluable insights into the industry and the inner workings of the business. When I took over the company, my vision was to elevate our scope and reach. Since then, we have successfully expanded our operations from local engagements to high-budget campaigns on both national and international stages. This has allowed us to collaborate with a diverse array of clients and our portfolio now includes projects that span various countries and markets, delivering top-tier productions across different cultures and demographics. Our team has grown, our resources have multiplied, and our technical capabilities have advanced, enabling us to tackle more ambitious projects. We commit to consistently exceeding our clients' expectations and setting new benchmarks in the industry.

Can you tell us about your role at Greenroom Films?

I oversee the strategic vision and operational framework of the company. At a strategic level, I focus on long-term goals, market positioning, driving business growth, and partnerships to enhance our industry presence. I identify new opportunities and ensure our projects align with the company's mission and objectives. Building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships with clients is also a key focus for me and I invest time in understanding their needs and expectations.

Simultaneously, I’m hands-on in overseeing every stage of our projects, both the practical and creative aspects. I oversee budgets, timelines, and resources, ensuring each production meets our high standards of quality, and collaborate closely with our production teams; reviewing edits, providing feedback, and making decisions that shape the final output.

Balancing these dual roles requires a dynamic approach, as I constantly shift between big-picture strategies and the immediate needs of our productions! Equally, this dual focus ensures that we remain competitive and innovative in a fast-paced industry.

What’s a typical day in the life for you?

A typical day for me includes a variety of activities: creating and presenting compelling pitches to secure new work; attending castings to select the right talent for our commercials; managing on-set operations and providing creative input at shoots; and overseeing voice-over sessions.

Additionally, I am always on the lookout for new directors who can bring fresh perspectives and creativity to our projects. I keep a close eye on emerging talent and trends within the industry to ensure that Greenroom Films continues to innovate and maintain a cutting-edge roster of directors.

What has been your personal career highlight so far?

I don’t think I have one singular highlight, just lots of little moments where I’ve stood back and thought, “wow - I did this”. For instance standing on a rooftop in Shanghai filming a whisky commercial, taking a cable car to the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town when we filmed there, all the way through to a massive studio set build in Manchester and a crew of 100+ people filming Wren Kitchens’ new commercial. I look around at the scale of what we’re doing, the brands we’re producing for, and the calibre of talent we’re collaborating with, and have to pinch myself a little.

June is, of course, Pride month. As an LGBTQIA+ business owner, in your experience do you think there are particular opportunities or challenges for LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace?

As an LGBTQIA+ business owner, I've seen both unique opportunities and challenges for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the workplace, which have evolved over time. I think there’s scope in all businesses to create inclusive workplace cultures, and to ensure a welcoming environment for LGBTQIA+ employees to thrive. In turn, that culture will attract customers and partners who also value inclusivity, and appreciate the innovation and creativity that the LGBTQIA+ community brings to the table. Challenges of course still exist and despite what I’d like to think, discrimination and homophobia is still alive and kicking. I think across the board there’s also a lack of representation within leadership roles, and as a result possibly there’s a lack of mentorship and role model opportunities.

That being said, even since I started my career in production there has definitely been a significant shift in terms of attitudes. I think LGBTQIA+ people were so used to hiding in the shadows, or concealing that part of their life, and I believe now the visibility and acceptance of our community has grown hugely. Much of this indeed is down to legal process, things like recognising same-sex marriage and anti-discrimination laws, which have in turn improved workplace rights. Another big factor is cultural shifts, especially among younger generations who are growing up in a world that feels much more accepting than the one I grew up in. The trend toward greater inclusion is promising, but there's still work to be done. 

A diverse workplace means a wider range of perspective and ideas, fostering creativity and innovation.

Why do you think it’s important for businesses to put inclusivity and equality at the forefront?

Firstly, and probably most simply put, because it’s the right thing to do, ethically. It aligns with broader social values and contributes to the overall wellbeing of society, and I believe that companies who take this responsibility seriously can help drive positive social change. Someone’s sexuality or identity shouldn’t have any bearing on their professional ability or the career opportunities available to them. A diverse workplace means a wider range of perspective and ideas, fostering creativity and innovation. Different backgrounds and experiences can lead to unique approaches, which is always advantageous in business. For that, and a myriad of other reasons, I think it’s a no brainer for businesses to make their approach to inclusivity a fundamental part of who they are.

What makes JC your adviser of choice?

JC is my adviser of choice because they came highly recommended during a crucial period when I was in the process of taking over Greenroom Films. Their expertise and guidance were instrumental in successfully navigating the complexities of the sale. Since then, JC has consistently proven to be a reliable, informed, and supportive partner. As someone still learning the ropes of running a business, having JC by my side has been invaluable. They take a proactive approach, regularly checking in and providing updates on financial matters that could impact the business. Their expertise and unwavering support have made them an indispensable part of my business journey. Their contributions have been crucial in helping me steer Greenroom Films towards continued success and growth.

And finally - what’s next for Greenroom Films?

I intend to continue to expand and innovate. We aim to bolster our portfolio by producing work that will showcase our versatility and creativity on a larger scale. We also plan to strengthen our international presence by forming strategic partnerships with global brands and agencies.

Fostering an inclusive and dynamic company culture remains a top priority. We will continue to support and develop our team, ensuring that Greenroom Films is a place where diverse voices and perspectives can thrive. This includes ongoing initiatives to sign emerging talent, particularly from underrepresented groups in the industry.

Finally, sustainability will be a core focus. We plan to continue implementing more eco-friendly production practices and work with clients who share our commitment to the environment. By integrating sustainable approaches into our projects, we hope to make a positive impact both within our industry and beyond. Overall, our vision for Greenroom Films is to grow into a globally recognised leader in the production industry, known for our creativity, innovation, and commitment to diversity.

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