Sale of Mackay Stewart & Brown to Close Brothers Asset Management

26 May 2015

    Johnston Carmichael advised the shareholders of Mackay Stewart & Brown Limited (MSB) on the sale of the company to Close Brothers Asset Management.

    MSB is an award winning wealth management business and consequently the disposal process generated a great deal of interest.

    The team at Johnston Carmichael assisted the shareholders in their selection of Close Brothers as the preferred bidder and subsequently managed the process through to a successful conclusion.

    The deal represents an excellent outcome for the shareholders after many years of hard work building the business, and is subject to FCA approval. It also ensures continuity of a high standard of service for MSB’s client base.

    I am very grateful to Johnston Carmichael, especially for identifying Close Brothers as a potential purchaser in the first place.

    John Mackay

    Managing Director of Mackay Stewart & Brown Limited

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